Transition to Work and Learning Support
Transition to Work and Learning Support

Transition programmes at Sacred Heart College provide, support and initiate courses that offer students opportunities to explore their capabilities, develop competencies, and grow more self-assured and confident so that they take control of their own lives. All Transition programmes are essentially designed to prepare students for life beyond school and to be able to effectively manage their own career planning in the future.
Transition provides information about the range of options within and beyond the Secondary School environment and seeks to raise awareness of skills pathways through active participation in vocational, workplace, off-site training and learning programmes. Students pursue individual learning programmes.
Transition to Work courses support students to gain the understanding, practical skills and attitudes they need to successfully transition from school to the work place or further study. The will also learn skills that will help them to be active and informed citizens in the community. Students taking Transition to Work courses have the opportunity to participate in a range of career related programmes and activities which will assist them to make informed decisions about what they want to do when they leave school.
The Learning Support Department runs many individual and small group sessions with a focus on numeracy and literacy at Year 9 and 10. Students do not opt in to these but join based on recommendations from teachers, Deans, or as a result of testing.
Sacred Heart College is now a SPEC school. This means we are able to offer the Level One Certificate in Life Skills - an alternative pathway to NCEA. This is generally for students who have high needs and funding but we are happy to discuss this with you in more detail.
For senior students we have Futures 1,2,3 which is a supported learning class where students have individualized programs that will help them to become to be confident and successful.
The Learning Support Department also oversees students who take a subject not offered at the College via Te Kura and those who are part of the Trades Academy.
Courses in this Learning Area