Social Sciences

Welcome to the Social Sciences Department!
The goal of the Social Sciences Learning Area is to inform students about the world in which they live. As teachers our aim is to help our students become informed, critical, active and responsible Global Citizens. The Social Sciences is about people — who they are, what they do, how they change, and what happens to them.
Through the various courses we offer we focus on investigating the past, present and future, with a focus on people and place. We hope ākonga gain the knowledge, skills and competencies to recognise their own agency and act out of concern for the well-being of whānau, hapū, iwi, hapori, and society. We study issues relating to New Zealand and the World. Our courses relate to several broad areas subjects within the Social Sciences Learning Area including:
- Accounting
- Business Studies
- Classical Studies
- Commerce
- Economics
- Geography
- History
- History of Art
- Psychology
- Social Studies
See the bottom of this page for a full list of courses available from Year 9 to Year 13.
Students are able to examine different perspectives, values and viewpoints and clarify their own opinions.
Social Science classes are offered at all year levels. There are interesting and varied assessment tasks to focus on improving historical, geographical and financial skills, as well as using ethical and meaningful research and report writing.
Students take part in field work, have visiting guest speakers and incorporate the use of digital technology in to their work.
As a department we are proud of the work we do and of the results gained by the students. We try to bring the past alive in a relevant way and prepare the students for the future.
Students will develop skills of inquiry, analysis and communication as they study people and societies of different times and places. They will enhance their understanding of their own heritage as individuals and learn the special values and diversity of other cultures and societies.
For more information on any of the Social Science courses, talk to one of our Social Science teachers, or feel free to get in contact with the Head of Department Mrs Peszynski.
Courses in this Learning Area
Town Planner, Teaching, Demographer, Tourist Operator, Tourism Industry, Archaeologist, Anthropologist, Meteorologist, Policy Analyst, Resource Management, Diplomat, Sociologist, Archivist, Film maker, Lawyer, Historian, Social Work, Geologist, Academic Advisor, Account Coordinators, Administrative Assistant, Assistant Business Manager, Campaign Manager, Case Manager, Disability Services, Claims Adjuster, Commercial Underwriter, Consultant, Correctional Worker, Customer Advocate, Director of Sales, Disabilities Determination Specialist, Education Assistant, Elementary Teacher, Family Builder Therapist, Family Service Advocate, High School Teacher, Information System Intern, IT Manager, Kindergarten Teacher, Library Technician, Office Specialist, Paralegal, Personnel an,