Year 10 Business Studies

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs A. Peszynski, Ms L. Davies.

10 Business Studies is designed to prepare students for participation in the New Zealand economy, and also to gain the skills needed to manage their personal means. The course includes an introduction to economics, financial literacy, business and consumer studies. An Enterprise Studies module is included where students develop their own small business enterprise and hold a market day.


Term 1: Financial Literacy, Spending, Saving, Borrowing, Credit, Budgeting, Economic Decision-Making

Term 2: Introduction to the NZ Economy, Money, Foreign exchange, Trade, Exports & Imports, Current economic issues.  Employment & Consumer Contracts.

Term 3: Business Enterprise & setting up your own business.  Cost of production & business planning & reporting.  Market day

Term 4: Impact of technology on economic life, Introduction to Demand.

Recommended Prior Learning

Open Entry - please see Ms Davies or the HODs of Social Sciences (Mrs Peszynksi, E11) if you have any questions about this course.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

1 x 2B8 exercise book



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