Teacher in Charge: Mrs J. Bergman.
Recommended Prior LearningHave passed the Numeracy co-requisite and 5 credits or better from NCEA L1 Achievement standards.
This course includes trigonometry, networks and probability as well as providing students with an opportunity to develop their analytical skills, report writing and researching skills in a statistics context. If you are planning to study any of the biological, social or sports sciences in the future then this course is for you. A graphics calculator is essential for this course. The Mathematics Department recommends the Casio.
Level 2 optional courses, Mathematics
Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics (MAS303)
Contributions and Equipment/StationeryEither 2 x 1J8 exercise books or 2 x 1J5 exercise books
Must have: Casio graphics calculator FX-9860GIII, $8 NuLake workbooks
It is the policy of Sacred Heart College Lower Hutt to have school-wide policies that inform parents and students of the criteria for administering all Assessments for National Qualifications.