Teacher in Charge: Miss E. Blackmore.
Level 3 Design builds on the knowledge, skills and techniques that students have gained in completing a Level 2 course in Design. Students will continue to use the work of selected designers and artists to inform and inspire their own progress. At Level 3 students are expected to be able to take greater ownership and responsibility for their work and teaching will facilitate and nurture an independent style of learning. A range of approaches to Design will continue to include sketching, collage, photography, digital processes, found materials and installation work and the use of industry standard software will be extended.
Level 3 Design is a University Entrance approved subject and students will be expected to ideally have their own laptop running the Adobe Suite
Level 3 optional courses, Visual Arts
$55 Art pack purchased through College
Required Equipment: BYOD (not Chromebook or iPad)
It is the policy of Sacred Heart College Lower Hutt to have school-wide policies that inform parents and students of the criteria for administering all Assessments for National Qualifications.