Visual Arts

The aim of the Art department is to ignite creativity. A course in the Visual Arts enables students to develop and express their own ideas and celebrates expressions of community and culture. Through the exploration of media and visual elements students learn to work independently and collaboratively. They will learn how to communicate, interpret and understand the visual arts in context and use their imagination to solve problems. This will increase their confidence to take risks, enhance their personal well-being and provide them with skills that are in great demand today.

“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something. They feel a little guilty because they really didn’t do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesise new things.” Steve Jobs, co-founder, Apple

“Creativity is one of the cornerstones of the Virgin brand. Our success has been defined by our ability to take a step back from problems, and reimagine them to in turn see new, original solutions.” Sir Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group

As a department we believe that creativity is a vital component of a lifelong learner. It is our aim to develop independent learners by empowering our students to take responsibility for their own learning and to assist them in creating art using both new information and by building on their own prior personal and cultural knowledge.

We encourage our students to think critically and solve problems in creative ways, nurturing a range of transferable life skills which include co-operation, leadership, flexibility and thoughtful risk taking.  We consider that these skills will be crucial in their future lives.