Level 2, 3 Pacific Performing Arts (PPA23)
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs L. Lia-Ramese.
This course provides students with the opportunity to develop and explore an understanding of the performing arts in a pacific context. This is a multilevel course, offered to both level 2 and level 3 students. In this course students will develop an understanding of the pacific performing arts through the mediums of choreography, traditional pacific instruments, and an analysis of pacific performing artists. Students will be offered opportunities to create and perform dances/music at events such as HuttFest, language week celebrations, and other events supporting the college and/or the local community.
Students will be assessed at the appropriate skill level on 12-18 credits from the options listed below.
Course Overview
Term 1
Dance 2.3 Perform and ethnic or social dance to communicate understanding of the style. 4 credits
Dance 3.2 Choreograph a dance to develop and resolve ideas. 4 credits
Students will study the book ‘A new dawn – Emeli Sione’ to understand and unpack the effects of the dawn raids on the pacific community in and around New Zealand, how these effects have affected either themselves, education or the wider community, and explore ways the pacific community have healed since the dawn raids took place.
Term 2
Dance 2.1 Choreograph a group dance to communicate and intention. 4 credits
Students must entail a pacific myth of their choice and the myth is to be retold through their choreography and choice of music.
Dance 2.2 choreograph a solo dance to communicate an intention. 4 credits
Students need to explore a relevant social issue of today and produce a choreography piece that explores that social issue.
Dance 3.3 Perform a solo or duet dance. 4 credits
Students will study lyrics of their song choice to enhance their understanding of the expressive qualities required for their dance.
Dance 3.4 Perform a group dance. 4 credits
Students collaboratively choreograph and learn a variety of sequences to represent three different aspects relating to a selected location.
These performances will be performed during their cultural language week from term 2-term 3.
Term 3
Music 2.3 Demonstrate ensemble skills by performing a substantial piece of music as a member of a group. 4 credits
Music 3.3 Demonstrate ensemble skills by performing two substantial pieces of music as a member of a group. 4 credits
Students will research and analyse a type of pacific music of their choice and collaboratively create a piece/two pieces of music that is inspired by pacific artists.
These performances will be performed at a cultural evening held at SHC during term 3.
Term 4
Music Studies 2.9 Investigate an aspect of New Zealand music. 4 credits
Music Studies 3.10 Research a music topic. 6 credits
Students will investigate a piece of music inspired by a pacific artist or of pacific genre. Then they will create a presentation of their investigation and share it with their peers.
Recommended Prior Learning
1. Prior experience as a member of the school's Poly Club, MUS101 course, or enrolment in itinerant music lessons is recommended.
2. Students must be a current member of the school's Poly Club.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
1x 1B5 exercise book. Performance uniform costs tbc. Trip costs tbc.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
This course is approved for University Entrance.
Dance 2.3 - Perform an ethnic or social dance to communicate understanding of the style
Dance 2.5 - Perform a repertoire of dance
Making Music 2.3 - Demonstrate ensemble skills by performing a substantial piece of music as a member of a group
Music Studies 2.9 - Investigate an aspect of New Zealand music
Making Music 3.3 - Demonstrate ensemble skills by performing two substantial pieces of music as a member of a group
Music Studies 3.10 - Research a music topic
Dance 3.3 - Perform a solo or duet dance
Dance 3.4 - Perform a group dance
Dance 3.5 - Perform a repertoire of contrasting dances
Approved subject for University Entrance
Number of credits that can be used for overall endorsement: 24
Only students engaged in learning and achievement derived from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa are eligible to be awarded these subjects as part of the requirement for 14 credits in each of three subjects.
Pathway Tags
Actor, Dancer, Entertainer, Musician, Radio Presenter, Model, Television Presenter, Sound Technician, Private Teacher/Tutor, Curator,
It is the policy of Sacred Heart College Lower Hutt to have school-wide policies that inform parents and students of the criteria for administering all Assessments for National Qualifications.