
Level 2 Health - Hauora Rua (HEA202)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Miss F. Trappitt.

In level 2 Health Education, students will develop the competencies to become confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners, ready to contribute to the future well-being of New Zealand. In this course they will explore a broad range of health issues, analysing factors that influence hauora, the consequences of these and recommending strategies to address the issues.  

Students will learn to evaluate the impacts that social and cultural factors have on relationships, in particular, the impacts of stereotyping and discrimination against individuals on the basis of their gender, ethnicity, age, economic background, sexual orientation, cultural beliefs, or differing abilities. Students will analyse a wide range of adolescent health issues that affect young people within our community and use health promotion models to recommend strategies to address these issues. In this course, students will learn about the determinants of health and be able to analyse the health and wellbeing of society through the application of a socio-ecological perspective. Knowledge gained in this course can be applied to real life situations, supporting students be positive, contributing members of society.

Common themes and topics studied include resilience, gender and sexual identity, health promotion within our school community and analysing common adolescent health issues including stress, alcohol use and misuse, conflict within relationships, negative body image, drug use, poor sexual reproductive health and food related issues. 

Course Overview

Term 1
2.2 Evaluate factors that influence people's ability to manage change.

Resilience - Investigating factors that influence a persons ability to manage changes in their life.

Term 2
2.5 Analyse issues related to sexuality and gender to develop strategies for addressing the issues.

Examine issues influencing gender roles and stereotypes, sexuality and recommend strategies that promote social justice.

Term 3
2.3 Take action to enhance an aspect of people's well-being within the school or wider community.

Investigate issues affecting wellbeing in our school community and use health promotion models to take action to address and issue of your choice.

Term 4
2.1 Analyse an adolescent health issue - External Exam.

Analysing common adolescent health issues, this could include, stress, alcohol use and misuse, relationships, body image, drug use, sexual reproductive health and food related issues.

Recommended Prior Learning

Open Entry.
Year 11 Health, but is not essential. 

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

either 1 x 1B5 exercise book or 1 x A4 lined refill

Description Type Value
esources and course contribution Contribution $20.00


Social worker. Environmental Health Officer. Community Worker. Nurse. Doctor. Dental Assistant. Pathologist. Psychologist. Pharmacy Technician. Psychiatrist. Health Services Manager. Psychotherapist. Acupuncturist. Midwife. Chiropractor. Dental Technician. Pharmacist. Dentist. Health Promoter. Occupational Therapist. Youth Worker. Naturopath. Radiation Therapist. Osteopath. Physiotherapist. Speech Language Therapist. Case Manager. Counsellor. Care worker. Paramedic. Teacher.

Career Pathways

Credit Information

You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.

Total Credits Available: 20
Internal Assessed Credits: 15
External Assessed Credits: 5
Internal or
L1 Literacy Credits
UE Literacy Credits
Numeracy Credits
A.S. 91235 v2

Health 2.1 - Analyse an adolescent health issue

Level: 2
Internal or External: External
Credits: 5
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0
A.S. 91236 v2

Health 2.2 - Evaluate factors that influence people's ability to manage change

Level: 2
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 5
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0
A.S. 91237 v2

Health 2.3 - Take action to enhance an aspect of people's well-being within the school or wider community

Level: 2
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 5
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0
A.S. 91239 v2

Health 2.5 - Analyse issues related to sexuality and gender to develop strategies for addressing the issues

Level: 2
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 5
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0
Credit Summary
Total Credits: 20
Total Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
Total University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Total Numeracy Credits: 0


It is the policy of Sacred Heart College Lower Hutt to have school-wide policies that inform parents and students of the criteria for administering all Assessments for National Qualifications.