
Level 3 Sports Studies - Te Kaiārahi Tākaro (SPO303)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Miss F. Trappitt.


Level 3 Sports Studies students will participate in a variety of sports and activities, will gain knowledge in nutrition, injury prevention and coaching. Students are exposed to a wide variety of physical learning experiences in a practically driven context, providing quality learning experiences in, through and around movement experiences. 

Students will enhance their learning in physical movement while having the opportunity to participate in a variety of physical activities. Students will learn the knowledge to help them identify and prevent injuries and risks and hazards within a number of sport and physical activity experiences. Students will use their sporting expertise to plan and lead beginner level sporting experiences for our junior students. 

This course is in alignment with the New Zealand Curriculum and students will become confident, actively involved, and lifelong learners. Sport helps you develop the skills, knowledge and competencies to a live healthy and physically active live at school and for life beyond school, while also allowing students to relieve their academic stress and anxiety. 

In Level 3 Sports Studies the learning is assessed in a variety of ways that may include practical demonstration, written, verbal and presentations, allowing for differing learning abilities. 

Students can select both Level 3 Sport Studies, Physical Education and Outdoor Education but must understand there is some overlap in the standards assessed.

Course Overview

Term 1
US 6571 Demonstrate knowledge of micro and macro nutrients and nutritional imbalances.

Learn about nutrition, how it fuels your body, and what nutrients we need to sustain physical activity.

Term 2
AS 3.4 Demonstrate quality performance of a physical activity in an applied setting.

Learn and practice the skills associated with badminton and demonstrate quality performance in this sport or a sport of your choice.

Term 3
US 22771 Plan beginner-level coaching sessions for sport participants.

Design beginner level coaching sessions in a sport of your choice to lead with our junior students.

Term 4
US 20673 Demonstrate knowledge of injuries, injury prevention and risks and hazards associated with sport or recreation.

Learn the knowledge to help you identify and prevent injuries and risks and hazards within a number of sport and physical activity experiences.

Recommended Prior Learning

Open Entry.
A real interest in sport, fitness and physical activity.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

either 1 x 1B5 exercise book or 1 x A4 lined refill, PE gear (school PE gear optional), sports shoes. Trips - costs tbc


Teacher. Coach (various sports). Personal Trainer. Gym Instructor. Police. Fire service. Ambulance Service. Military. Dance Teacher. Outdoor Instructor (various activities). Fitness Advisor. Team Trainer. Sports Scientist. Occupational Health Officer. Exercise Science Consultant. Lecturer. Programme Developer. Researcher. Sports Activity Coordinator. Exercise Rehabilitation. Physiotherapist. Performance Analyst. Event Manager. Sports Development Manager. Sports Journalist. Reporter. Media Support. Communications Officer. Media Liaison.

Credit Information

You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.

Total Credits Available: 20
Internal Assessed Credits: 20
External Assessed Credits: 0
Internal or
L1 Literacy Credits
UE Literacy Credits
Numeracy Credits
U.S. 6571 v7

Demonstrate knowledge of micro and macro nutrients and nutritional imbalances

Level: 3
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 5
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0

Term: 1, Week: 11

U.S. 20673 v4

Demonstrate knowledge of injuries, injury prevention and risks and hazards associated with sport or recreation

Level: 3
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 5
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0

Term: 3, Week: 7

U.S. 22771 v3

Plan beginner-level coaching sessions for sport participants

Level: 3
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 6
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0
A.S. 91501 v2

Physical Education 3.4 - Demonstrate quality performance of a physical activity in an applied setting

Level: 3
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 4
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0 *
Numeracy Credits: 0
Credit Summary
Total Credits: 20
Total Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
Total University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Total Numeracy Credits: 0


It is the policy of Sacred Heart College Lower Hutt to have school-wide policies that inform parents and students of the criteria for administering all Assessments for National Qualifications.