Year 10 Performing Arts

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Isaacs.

This course provides students with the opportunity to explore everything that the Performing Arts have to offer! 

In Term 1 students will develop an understanding of the purpose of the Performing Arts through exploring the power of storytelling in different cultures. 

In Term 2 students learn how to develop their ideas around using different styles of music and drama by writing their own songs and creating their own scripts. 

In Term 3 students grow their performance skills, in their choice of Dance, Music and/or Drama to prepare for an evening concert for whānau and friends. 

In Term 4 students have the opportunity to explore a personal interest topic and develop their literacy skills. 

Year 10 Performing Arts provides students with a broad introduction to the Performing Arts which allows students to access a number of pathways through Performing Arts in the senior school. It also provides opportunities for students to express their culture and learn about other cultures through the Performing Arts. 


Course Overview

Term 1
Purpose & Meaning - In Term 1 students will develop an understanding of the purpose of the performing arts through exploring the power of storytelling in different cultures.

Term 2
Developing Ideas - In Term 2 students learn how to prepare and perform different styles of music and drama by writing their own songs and creating their own scripts.

Term 3
Prepare & Perform - In Term 3 students grow their performance skills, in their choice of Dance, Music and/or Drama to prepare for an evening concert for whānau and friends.

Term 4
Research & Present - Opportunity to explore a personal interest topic and develop music and drama literacy to ensure students are prepared for senior Performing Arts courses.

Recommended Prior Learning

Whilst not compulsory, we encourage students enrolled in this course to be taking itinerant or private music lessons as this allows them to gain the most from the learning opportunities provided in this subject. 

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

1 x 1B8 exercise book, 1 x Display Book (20 pages), 1x 14M5 Loose Refill Pad.
$5 course materials. Attendance at one professional performing arts event costs tbc.



It is the policy of Sacred Heart College Lower Hutt to have school-wide policies that inform parents and students of the criteria for administering all Assessments for National Qualifications.