Teacher in Charge: Mrs B. Davies.
Recommended Prior LearningOpen Entry
This English course is based around the special stories of our region. Poetry, short stories, novels and films will be studied in order for you to understand the experiences of others who live in the Pacific. In understanding ourselves, we will be better equipped to understand the world around us. In this course, you could be looking at texts from a Pākeha, Māori, Tongan or Samoan perspective.
- "Piki atu ki te taumata o tōku maunga, ka kite au I te mana, I te ihi o te whenua nei nō ōku tūpuna."
- "I climb to the summit of my mountain to see the lands of my ancestors."
There are 10 internal and 8 external credits in this course.
You will need 10 Level 1 English credits to be accepted into this course.
Some of the possible text studies are shown below.
English, Level 2 optional courses
This course leads to a wide range of career pathways. Thinking and communication skills will be essential in any career choice and can be developed by studying English.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery1 x 1B5 exercise book
It is the policy of Sacred Heart College Lower Hutt to have school-wide policies that inform parents and students of the criteria for administering all Assessments for National Qualifications.