Teacher in Charge: Ms S. Lapwood.
Recommended Prior LearningLevel 1 Numeracy is a requirement for entry into Level 2 Chemistry.
Also, you need to:
NCEA Level 1 – a pass in the internal Chem Bio 1.2 Chemical Reactions in Context
passes in externals offered in Science, Mathematics and English
interview with Ms Williams
In Senior Chemistry, students study the materials that make up all matter around us, the properties of these substances and the way they change. This allows us to understand the chemistry going on in the world around us, such as in the foods we eat, the metals and plastics we use, the fuels we burn and the medicines we take to be healthy.
The importance of Senior Chemistry
Chemistry can be described as the 'central science', as an understanding of chemistry is closely related to a range of other science disciplines (e.g. biology, medicine, engineering and environmental sciences). As a school subject, Chemistry complements both Biology and Physics; Biology as it helps to understand the chemical processes that occur in living things, and Physics as both subjects involve the study of the behaviour of matter.
Studying chemistry is important as it helps us learn about the world that we live in. An understanding of chemistry allows us to make educated choices about the materials, products and foods that we use. Chemistry allows us to understand and solve key problems facing our Earth today, like climate change, the use of water, food shortages, antibiotic resistance and curing diseases.
What pathways does Senior Chemistry lead to?
Studying Chemistry at school leads on to a range of science and health related qualifications and careers. Examples include: Analytical Chemist, Nursing, Laboratory Technician, Medicine, Pharmacy, Chemical Engineering, Forensic Science and Environmental Science
What will be covered in the Senior Chemistry Program?
In this course students will develop their basic chemical understanding gained through NCEA Level 1 Science. This involves both a theoretical understanding of chemical concepts and practical skills. It is foundational course that can open pathways outside into the workforce. Gives students an understanding of everyday chemicals and the positive impacts on chemistry.The topics covered include organic chemistry, methods of analyzing substances and properties of common substances
An emphasis on practical work develops laboratory and research techniques as well as illustrating the theoretical ideas. Chemistry supports most careers in Science. This course provides the opportunity to gain credits towards the numeracy requirements for University Entrance.
Term 1
Carry out a practical investigation into a substance present in a consumer product using quantitative analysis - INTERNAL
Level 2 Chemistry - Demonstrate understanding of bonding, structure, properties and energy changes - EXTERNAL
Term 2
TOPIC 2 Continued
Level 2 and 3 - Demonstrate understanding of the properties of organic compounds - EXTERNAL
Students wishing not to continue with chemistry in Level 3 can select to only sit the Level 2 Organic paper. Students moving through to Level 3 only need to sit the Level 3 Organic paper.
Term 3
TOPIC 3 Continued
Term 4
Examination preparation
Level 2 optional courses, Science
Level 3 Science - Chemistry II (CHE303), Level 3 Science - Earth and Space Science (ESS301)
Students who are interested in science and have demonstrated capacity to engage in learning. This course allows the students to move through to Level 3 NCEA chemistry. Level 2 Chemistry also provided science credits for future study after college.
It is advised that students look at possible career pathways that recommend that students have level 2 or 3 Chemistry. Level 2 Chemistry is a pre-requisite for Level 3 Chemistry.
Either 1 x Ringbinder and 1 x A4 lined refill OR 1 x 1B8 exercise book
It is the policy of Sacred Heart College Lower Hutt to have school-wide policies that inform parents and students of the criteria for administering all Assessments for National Qualifications.